







  我喜欢看动画片,我喜欢看到那些可爱的卡通人物在我面前晃来晃去。我最喜欢看的是喜羊羊与灰太狼,我喜欢的人物可能与大多数的人不一样, 我最喜欢的是灰太狼,它在那里是个反派人物,但我觉得它那种对抓羊锲而不舍的精神值得我学习。 在未来三年,我的目标是通过自己的努力考上一所理想的大学。我相信未来是美丽的,因为带着五彩的梦想前行,就不会害怕困难,不会惧怕失败。我希望用自己的努力去换取成功,我相信自己,相信未来。



  Respected teachers, students, hello.

  I'm super ultra, this name would someone heard, maybe someone is very strange, but this time, today I'm going to let you know me, know me. I came to xx in the September this year, graduated from xx school, heart is filled with joy. In the usual study, the challenging problems to be really quickly, in computing, such as mathematics, physics can get close, while class reading literature and history, I have more unique insights. Think is the most precious time of life, time and spirit. Think will think and feel about not only the brain, and soul. In these days, I met some students, the communication between each other not only is harmonious, and enhance the friendship. Unfamiliar place, I went to a lot more, this is not the first nor the last time, because of I, will be in the future of this strange world of the larger society to strive, to survive, in order to cany good foundation in the future, so, today of I, to be harder than ever before. Everyday we see the world in almost with the naked eye, someone says: that would see more truth, the gain and loss. But I often see the world with a new, original feelings after close my eyes, is so clear like never before. Only on the feeling is not inspiring spirit. So medical from lu xun, can also be thought of it. The reason, the status of Chinese for me is a higher level, is the anchorage of spirit rise.

  This is me, a thought is very complex and is expected to new things, so in the future, is also thought is not beautiful, but as long as I try to do it, believe that the world can be yearning for the future to me. Hope to you can teach a lot in the class, thank you!





  Hello, everyone, my name is li XX (your name), I am a higher a freshman just entered high school gate, with a number of new students, I took my curious and have a strong curiosity heart came to the palace of the divine. We are not very familiar with to me! Let me introduce myself to everyone

  I am plain: round face with embedded but not jiongjiongweishen eyes; Below the eye is almost on the face of the nose collapse, even can let a person remember 'level plain' '; Below is that piece I have kissed the blarney stone mouth nose, it can often help me to bring you joy! I although plain, but my personality and a lot of and the girl of my age is very different:

  I have a black head, clean hair, 'and' on my appearance and name again, how see how like a boy. My hobby and character and, like many boys, I like sports, badminton and table tennis room my favorite; My character is similar to boys, I like of the director-general, seem serious, stead fast, don't like slow, Dally. This might be my strengths! Because, since the childhood I like serious, diligently to do a thing, even meet again big difficulty, I also will continue. I'm not bragging,

  Remember when I just came back from their hometown transferred to Beijing, I am English really obsessed with the 7 can be said to be the six - don't know anything. At that time I already grade four, I have to strong, looking at the students at the time of test is always can get ideal scores, but they don't can, in the mind really not the taste. At this time, I secretly determined: I must catch up with the classmates in our class, to go beyond them! Since then, I started to deliver on their promises to pay effort: three hours of extracurricular class on every Sunday; Do exercise every night... In this way, with my dedication for English, I improved my English slowly, imperceptible in, my English has been leading the way, which makes me don't mention how happy! Again, this is a symbol of Chinese old saying: nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it! You said, it is?

  No one is perfect, of course, I have many shortcomings. But one of the most 'lethal' and I was very careless. This defect has been with me for six years, I really want to get rid of it. How I tried to also of no help, however, always a few small mistakes in a crucial moment. I really hope I can get rid of this drawback, is an old saying goes: nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it! I believe that one day I will have my advantage over my fatal shortcoming.

  You know me? This is me, a plain to me, I like boys, a tireless in me, a careless of me.







工作总结(JobSummary WorkSummary),以年终总结、半年总结和季度总结最为常见和多用。下面是小编为大家整理的街道2023年消防宣传月活动总结(通用3篇),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
幼儿园(英文 德文:kindergarten),原称勘儿园,是几百年前从普鲁士引进的体制。旧称蒙养园、幼稚园。它是进行学前教育的学校。根据《幼儿园工作规程》规定,幼儿园是对3岁以上学龄前幼儿实施保育和教育的机构。幼儿园适龄幼儿一般为3岁至6岁。以下是小编整理的幼儿园预防性侵害活动总结范文汇总三篇,仅
幼儿园(英文 德文:kindergarten),原称勘儿园,是几百年前从普鲁士引进的体制。旧称蒙养园、幼稚园。根据《幼儿园工作规程》规定,幼儿园是对3岁以上学龄前幼儿实施保育和教育的机构。幼儿园适龄幼儿一般为3岁至6岁。以下是为大家整理的新版幼儿园民族团结一家亲活动总结精选四篇,欢迎品鉴!
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